At Noon today we had our 6th meeting.  Karl, Abbie, Lindsey, Resa, Ada, Marvin, Maureen, Miriem, Abdul and myself were in attendance.  Marilyn had a family emergency.

Welcoming Ada Ghuman to our group!

Future Dates:

Thurs Feb 2 Noon Venus

Thurs Feb 16 - SEE GET GIVE  Event!
Sat June 9 - FIRST C Street Arts Festival
Sat Oct 6 - C Street Arts Festival/Riverfest

SEE GET GIVE - Lindsey (great job with guest list!) Marilyn, Maureen, Ada, Deb
Visual - Abbie, Resa, Marilyn
Stage - Marvin and Maureen to pitch to Abbie
Venus - Open House with BoldLove instructors


Happy New Year!  Can you believe we've been talking about this for 1/2 a year now?

We began the conversation by reflecting on lessons learned both from the Hyattsville and Silver Spring Arts Districts.  We agreed that we want our arts district to be pedestrian/family friendly.  We also agree that a cohesive vision is critical to our success. 

One statistic reiterated is 2.4.  For every dollar spent on an arts event, $2.40 is spent at a non-arts neighboring business.  We want to nurture the arts at the center and pull in retail/restaurants all around us.  This statistic comes from Maryland Arts Day, which is coming up again on Feb 8.  January 18 is their deadline for early registration discounts.

We did not discuss the national Main Streets Conference happening in Baltimore this year on March 31/April 1.  We should probably have someone attend and report back.  Volunteer?

Karl handed out the Community Design Standards.  Lindsey handed out the spreadsheet of possible invites for the SEE GET GIVE EVENT.

We talked about wanting to form strong partnerships along the Main Street Corridor with the Police Department, the City, etc.

We heard a bit about the Green Standard of Sustainability.

We are all interested in joining the Laurel Olde Towne List-Serv (I think this is a yahoo group but am unable to locate and link it at this time).  Lindsey?

The City of Laurel has both Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Resa has volunteered to gather information and eventually draft a letter (or two) to the mayor.  Signage continues to be an ongoing point of conversation.

_Looking at 7th Street in DC is a light visual example of how vertical signs on storefronts or lightposts can give a real sense of place.

We also need to check in with Mike Lotsky about the Banner System across Main Street.  That could be greatly beneficial to us.

Resa has some great ideas about the cohesive nature that we are seeking going into the visual branding and marketing of the district.  (Key words:  Cohesion/Vision/Character).  We want to embrace who we are.  That we are a "working" arts town with a history of strong and hardworking people.  We want to convey that visually in the marketing materials and signage.

The Window Project is continuing thanks to the kind generosity of Mr. McGowan.  Abbie and Lindsey continue to cultivate that project with their first window and intend to expand their efforts as things develop. 

Karl spoke of the city moving ahead for arts district classification with the state of Maryland.

Abbie spoke on the C Street Arts Festival.  She wants it to be largely visual and juried. 

I feel very strongly about a pedicab service coming into play and hope that as things develop a new green theatre/arts building can be incorporated.

Maureen wants to be sure everyone is included. Marvin feels that we should interface with existing events such as the Farmers Market and Main Street Festival (times when we already have "feet on the street" so that we build our community).

Miriem and Abdul spoke with Karl about opening their patio to guests and need help with tree removal.

We discussed friends of theirs who already have two successful places in DC and Silver Spring wanting to build on Main Street.

We hope that those of us who have been here will be incentivized and helped so that we can keep building and growing. 

Resa has a customer that is drawing the city from when he was a child to now in the form of overlays.  I wonder what we could do to capture these oral stories?

We are meeting the first THURSDAY of February with hopes that we can pull Sterling in from the Crystal Fox.  His business has been present on Main Street for over 20 years.

Love and Light!